Prayer Request

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ACLU has filed a suit to end prayer from the military completely. They’re making great progress..
The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus’ name in prayer thanks to the ACLU and others.
Prayer 7I’m not breaking this one.
Prayer 8If I get it a 1000 times, I’ll forward it a 1000 times!
Let us pray… Cuz’ if this picture doesn’t move you, you need prayer.
Prayer 9Prayer chain for our Military… Don’t break it!
We owe them sooo Much!
Prayer 10Pray for our soldiers, Don’t break It!
Prayer 11Dear Lord,
Hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them & their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus’ name,

Prayer 12

Prayer Request:

Thanks to Doug Hotaling for sending this message.

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